The Importance of Doing Our Inner Work

The Importance of Doing Our Inner Work

Written By Andrew Morrison
September 19, 2023
Inner Energy of Human

Take a moment to get quiet within yourself. Take a deep breath. What do you notice? Really take the time to sit and feel into this space.

You may find it hard to find true silence and calm. It’s common to have a voice that constantly “shares” what it thinks we need to know, and that voice isn’t always kind to us in the process. Perhaps you find a sense of grief lingering just below the surface. You may not even know what it’s attached to, but the feeling is real, that’s for sure. Maybe it’s anger for you, or shame. Many times, these feelings aren’t overwhelming in our daily lives (although they sure can be). But the fact that they exist, even in the background, means that they are influencing how we live, what we are able to love about ourselves, and what parts of ourselves we can share with our loved ones and the world around us.

Take another deep breath, find whatever inner quiet you can and ask yourself: how would your life be different if you took the time to address these parts of yourself, share them, grow with them, and ultimately release them? Can you feel the difference already? You might notice yourself longing for that change but you may also be hindered by a sense of fear; a fear of stepping into the unknown. Perhaps it’s not the unknown that holds you back, but the fear of stepping into parts of yourself that are dark, sad, angry, or otherwise considered to be “bad” in our society. The reality is that those places exist for all of us. Having the courage to face them and move past the grip they have on us is where our inner power resides.

I was once asked to share my definition of “power” with a room of roughly 100 men. My answer was not what many of them expected, but has changed the way I see myself in the world and how I share myself within it. My answer: “when I know who I am and I choose to stand openly in my vulnerability.” To me, the combination of KNOWING who I am, and being willing to stand openly in my vulnerability is the most powerful place I can imagine. It doesn’t matter what other people think of me, because I know who I am. I can share the most vulnerable parts of myself this way, and in doing so, create connections at a deep level with the people around me. Ask yourself: do people trust and love you more when you are honest with them or when you hide yourself behind “what or who you should be?”

I invite you to join me and a small group of likeminded, caring people at the Journey Back to Center Experience…a journey back to your center. Through honest communication, movement, meditation, silence, and other guidance you will discover a path back to the most loving and open version of yourself. You will have the opportunity to dive in as deeply as you are willing and able to, with the support and guidance of the group. Being witnessed in your journey and witnessing others in theirs, you will find a new truth about yourself, or perhaps simply be reminded of the truth you already knew but have lost track of.

Why? A great question…why bother? You may feel like you’re doing fine as things stand, so why bother taking a week to celebrate yourself and grow into the most grounded and centered person you can be. That’s a totally fair question and it’s one that I suggest you ask again from that quiet place you found earlier.

So take another deep breath, find that inner silence and ask yourself: why take a week to focus on my well-being? I hope the answer is clear and true, no matter what the answer. Maybe this experience is not for you, great! Maybe it is for you, great! Either way, I want you to find an honest answer that supports you at the highest level.

For me, the why is easy: because I want to create a community around me that focuses on love and trust and lives from a place of honest vulnerability as a means of improving the world as a whole. I want to bring the best version of myself to every situation I’m in. I don’t always achieve that, and sometimes I fall back into fear and I retreat from the vision of community that I hold most dear. I’m human after all. That said, having a vision of the community I want to exist in and to co-create helps me come back to my center when I drift away.

What’s your why? I hope you’ll join us at the Journey Back to Center Experience and share it with us. The world will be a better place for it.

Please CLICK HERE to learn more and to sign up. The next Journey Back to Center Experience is October 29-November 4, 2023. I hope to see you there.

Here’s what a couple folks from last year’s Journey Back to Center Experience had to say:

“The reason I joined the Journey Back to Center Experience was because I felt stuck in dealing with my grief. I had no idea what to expect, but knew I had to do something. When I left, I felt more connected to myself that I ever had before. More importantly, I found the confidence in myself that had been lacking.

Andrew shared so much with us, but what has stayed with me the most are the tools he gave us to manage and understand our emotions. I never understood that I needed tools, nor did I know how to ask for what I needed. Now I have “the right tools for the job,” and I use them daily.

I’m living a truer and more rewarding life now. I have nothing but love for Andrew and the other participants. This was the best gift that I could ever have given myself.”

Michelle Glenn

“I highly recommend Andrew’s Journey to Center Experience. I went into it with high hopes but uncertain expectations. I’ve never done anything like this before in my life and so, could this really be life changing? I had truly hoped so and the answer is a resounding yes!

I had gotten to a place in life where I knew I needed to change. I was anxious, depressed, full of self-loathing and miserable. To say, I was not in a good place is an understatement. I knew that I had lost myself somewhere along life’s journey. I did not know who I was any more nor how to find balance.

Journey Back to Center hit home right out of the gate. Andrew’s skillful guidance wakened me to issues I did not know I had. In a manner that felt completely safe, I confronted those issues and found paths forward, sometimes just knowing there was indeed a path forward was healing enough.

I came into the workshop with my insides wound tight with emotion. My internal dialog was destructive. During the first day, I started to find inner peace and calm. As the workshop progressed, the inner calm deepened. As I confronted issues, the emotions came forth but I was always able to go back to that inner calm.

Feeling the process work gave me courage to put myself out there, to explore emotionally charged issues and grow through the experience. I cannot thank Andrew enough for how he helped me. I strongly encourage you to see for yourself.” 

Rick Turek


The next Journey Back to Center Experience is October 29th – November 4th, 2023.  

Please CLICK HERE to learn more or to sign up today.

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