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Fire Testing Strawbale Wall Systems - Results
Resources for ongoing fire testing of strawbale walls - Early tests in the mid-2000s demonstrated that plastered bale walls could withstand fire exposure for up to 2 hrs without structural compromise in a furnace test.

How to Calculate Bale Density
Learn how to calculate bale density for straw bale construction to ensure structural integrity and code compliance. Follow our simple formula and expert tips.

How to Build with Straw Bale Walls Over a Basement
Can straw bale walls and a house can be built over a basement? The answer is always yes.
Say "No" to Straw Bale Roof Insulation
Straw bale roof insulation? The amount of time, effort, cost, and embodied energy seems to me to heavily outweigh the benefits. Here’s my thoughts.

Psocid Infestations in Straw Bale Homes
These tiny little insects are also known as booklice and bark-lice and are known to feed on old books and other natural materials. It’s rare to have them infest a straw bale house, but it can happen. Here’s how to handle it.

Home Wildfire Safety
Wildfires are unpredictable, but preparing your home can make all the difference. Access free resources to use for your home’s protection today.

Dealing With Rain Splash Back on Your Strawbale House
There are two main ways to protect against rain splash on a strawbale house. Read them here plus other tips to keep your strawbale house walls rain-safe.

Straw Bale House Plans to Save Cash and Speed Things Up!
We continue to add new straw bale house designs (full sets of plans) to our website, bringing the total to over 30 sets. With several different architects represented with several different styles, everything from simple to elaborate is available to inspire your build.

How to Plaster a Ceiling for a Straw Bale Home
Plastering the ceiling is very similar to plastering the walls of a straw bale home with a few KEY differences. Learn more.

Changing the Color of Your Straw Bale Home
Owners of straw bale homes have to consider more than just color when deciding on a new look for their home. Learn more here.

What Can I Use Instead of Wire Mesh on My Straw Bale Building?
Most home building codes that apply to straw bale building require you to use the 14 gauge 2″x 2″ welded wire mesh. Here’s why and options to consider.

Do You Pin Bales Together in Straw Bale Construction?
Do we need to pin bales together in straw bale construction? Get the answer to this community member question for yourself here.