Changing the Color of Your Straw Bale Home
Owners of straw bale homes have to consider more than just color when deciding on a new look for their home. Learn more here.
The Importance of Protecting Natural Plaster During Installation
The importance of protecting natural plaster while curing can't be over stated. It's not the same as conventional stucco. Here's the why and how-to for your projects!
Exterior Lime Finish Plaster Color Refresh
A demonstration of using a tile sponge to freshen up a color coat on a finished lime plaster wall of a straw bale house.
3 Key Takeaways to Building Your Plastering Skills
Learn 3 key takeaways to support your ventures into natural plastering and straw bale home construction straight from the experts.
Lime Plasters For Straw Bale Building
There are a LOT of options to choose from in selecting the plaster to use for your straw bale building. Learn more about lime plaster options here.
The Many Uses of Vinegar in Straw Bale Construction
There are so many uses of vinegar when working with lime paster; from neutralizing the acids in lime plaster, saving your hands, your clothes, and your… [read more]
Avoiding Plaster Burn Marks
Avoiding plaster burn marks when building a straw bale house is easy to accomplish if you know what causes them. Here’s what to do about them.
Plaster Tip: Applying American Clay Over Natural Hydraulic Lime
In this article we review using American Clay plaster over a Natural Hydraulic Lime plaster, making sure that cure times are accounted for.
Acid Staining Floors While Protecting Plaster Walls
When acid staining concrete floors, it is important to properly mask off walls and doors so that none of the stain gets onto places where you don't want it. One of the hardest surfaces to protect is unsealed plaster.
Finish Plaster Texture Options
There are many of finish plaster texture options available for your straw bale home and knowing which one is best for you can be difficult. The best decisions are based on understanding the combination of application-technical difficulty, personal aesthetics, durability, crack hiding ability, and material availability.
Plastering Overhead in a Straw Bale House
Plastering straw bale window and door wells can be challenging, but the end result is beautiful. Learn some important tips on how to do it in this article.
Properly Wet Your Plaster on a Straw Bale Wall
There is far more water used in the preparation and curing process than in the mix itself. If you have a limited water supply, be sure to account for this extra water requirement. Follow these steps to make sure you have the best plaster job available. Be sure to protect your walls from wind, rain, and direct sun by hanging tarps.