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Straw Bale Construction - How to Retie Bales to Custom Sizes
Retying straw bales is one of the most important skills to be proficient in on a straw bale construction job site. Learn how in these 3 short videos. Includes close-ups of tying Bale Knot, aka Miller's Knot.

Straw Houses - How To Protect Your Bales Before Construction
Protect your investment in quality bales for construction. Learn how to properly store bales before installation, includes stacking drawings.

Building With Straw: 5 Must-Read Books on Straw Bale Construction
Looking to build your dream home with a high-performance, eco-friendly twist? We're not surprised that straw bale construction techniques have caught your eye. With so much information available in books, on social media, and websites, it can be overwhelming to know which resources to trust. That's why we have compiled a list of books on straw bale construction that are pillars of our own at-home library.

The Ultimate Hole Saw for Drilling Through Straw Bale Walls
Check out this ingenious hole saw makes drilling holes through existing straw bale walls easy and effective, even in three string straw bale walls.

Plaster Tip: Applying American Clay Over Natural Hydraulic Lime
In this article we review using American Clay plaster over a Natural Hydraulic Lime plaster, making sure that cure times are accounted for.

Acid Staining Floors While Protecting Plaster Walls
When acid staining concrete floors, it is important to properly mask off walls and doors so that none of the stain gets onto places where you don't want it. One of the hardest surfaces to protect is unsealed plaster.

Wire Ties or Poly Twine Bales?
I'm often asked if using bales that are tied with wire is a bad or good idea. The reality is that there are advantages and disadvantages on both sides of the question. I do have a preference though, and that is for poly twine over wire.

Plastering Overhead in a Straw Bale House
Plastering straw bale window and door wells can be challenging, but the end result is beautiful. Learn some important tips on how to do it in this article.

Debunking the Rodent Myth
Rodents would much prefer to set up residence in your neighbor’s conventionally built house with lovely pink insulation than live in straw bale walls. Watch this 1 min video

Tips for Getting Plywood to Your Roof -
Ever wonder how to get plywood to the roof when you are working by yourself? There are always little tricks of the trade that make the job easier!