Source Materials
To help you with sourcing, we are sharing our workshop host tool and materials list with you.
View the very same tools and materials list we share with our Workshop Hosts.
In it, you will see the general items they have to have on-site for their workshop, examples of each item, and suggestions on sourcing them.
Note - Each build is different, we start with this general list for every workshop, but it gets refined for their home design. We recommend you also refine this list of materials and tools to what you need for your unique build!
More Listings
Coming Soon!
Bale Suppliers
Note: These sources have not been validated yet for 2024/25. If you have updates, please let us know! Thanks for the assistance!
California Rice Commission
701 University Ave., Ste 205, Sacramento CA 95825
California Wheat Commission
PO Box 2267, Woodland CA 95776-2267; 520.661.1292, fax 530.661.1332.
You might also try one of the following links and see if anything is listed there: and
2x2 14 Gauge Welded Wire Mesh
Note: These sources have not been validated yet for 2024/25. If you have updates, please let us know! Thanks for the assistance!
Flynn & Enslow Inc
1530 17th St
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 863-5340
Pennsylvania Wire Works (
Red Brand, The wire was ordered and delivered through Lowe's.
Deswert Oregon Wire Products 800-458-8344