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Looking for Straw bale homes for Sale? View Here.

Straw Bale House Plans to Save Cash and Speed Things Up!
We continue to add new straw bale house designs (full sets of plans) to our website, bringing the total to over 30 sets. With several different architects represented with several different styles, everything from simple to elaborate is available to inspire your build.

Avoid Headaches - Design for Straw Bale Home Construction
It’s no secret that a well-designed building is easier to build and more enjoyable to live in. Many things need to be considered to achieve a quality design - Learn more…

Strawbale Wall Systems - Your Wall, Your Way
Post and Beam. Infill. Hybrid. Load Bearing. When choosing a strawbale wall system for your build, it can be easy to get confused with the names that are often tossed somewhat loosely about. Selecting a wall system is an early-stage design decision…

The Importance of Good Straw Bale Design
Good design alone is not enough. You have to incorporate all of the details that are specific to straw bale construction in your design to make it work.