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Looking for Straw bale homes for Sale? View Here.

How to Choose a Contractor for your Strawbale Building
The task of finding a contractor can be a daunting one. Here's how to navigate the challenges of choosing a contractor for your straw bale construction project.

Consulting Services for Straw Bale Construction Projects
Wondering if your construction plans are adequate to build from? Want to save thousands of dollars on your home construction? I can help you with consulting services for straw bale construction. I offer all kinds of services from project success coaching and basic project assistance to 12-month project consulting. I have something for everyone and would be happy to help you create the dream straw bale home you've held in mind for so long.

Hiring the Right Contractor for Your Straw Bale Construction Project
Hiring the right contractor for your straw bale construction project could be the most important decision you make along the path to creating your new home. Here’s tips on how to find a great match.

Land Development Process Revealed
Allow me to share with you what I've learned over my 20 years as a professional builder and land developer. This is for anyone interested in the start to finish process of finding, developing, and building on raw land.