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Say "No" to Straw Bale Roof Insulation
Straw bale roof insulation? The amount of time, effort, cost, and embodied energy seems to me to heavily outweigh the benefits. Here’s my thoughts.

Building a Niche in a Straw Bale Wall
Niches are beautiful details in a straw bale wall. Learn how to build one for yourself here.

Protecting the Top of Walls in Straw Bale Homes
No one likes a leaky roof; however, this simple technique can help prevent costly damage and provide peace of mind.

How To Do A Plaster Stop In Straw Bale House Construction
Learn how to achieve a clean exterior look to the base of your straw bale house plaster in this Straw Bale Minute video.

Strawbale Construction - Avoiding Air Leaks with Plaster Stops
Learn how to prevent air gaps at interior wall junctions, or posts, connected to your strawbale walls in this Straw Bale Minute video.

Why Your Foundation is THE Most Important Part of Your Strawbale House
It may seem like a simple part of the overall construction process, but your foundation is the most crucial part of your entire project. Any mistakes you make in your straw bale house foundation will only get worse as you build up. Learn how to avoid…

Strawbale Wall Systems - Your Wall, Your Way
Post and Beam. Infill. Hybrid. Load Bearing. When choosing a strawbale wall system for your build, it can be easy to get confused with the names that are often tossed somewhat loosely about. Selecting a wall system is an early-stage design decision…

Bale Stops Strengthen and Simplify Your Build
Bale stops are a simple framing solution in a straw bale house. They both strengthen the walls and simplify the construction process. Learn more...

Adding Shingles to Gable Walls on Straw Houses
Adding shingles to gable walls may not seem like a straw bale specific topic at first glance. That doesn’t mean it’s not an important skill for you to learn for several reasons. Lot of straw bale houses use shingles on the gable end walls.

Gravel in your toe ups. Is that enough?
Is it enough to have just gravel in your toe ups or do you need something more? Read more

Plaster Tip: Applying American Clay Over Natural Hydraulic Lime
In this article we review using American Clay plaster over a Natural Hydraulic Lime plaster, making sure that cure times are accounted for.

Acid Staining Floors While Protecting Plaster Walls
When acid staining concrete floors, it is important to properly mask off walls and doors so that none of the stain gets onto places where you don't want it. One of the hardest surfaces to protect is unsealed plaster.