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Looking for Straw bale homes for Sale? View Here.

Do You Pin Bales Together in Straw Bale Construction?
Do we need to pin bales together in straw bale construction? Get the answer to this community member question for yourself here.

Why Build With Straw Bales?
So many reasons to build homes with straw bales! From fire resistance, to sweat equity options, to environmental benefits. Learn more.

Home Stays - How Do I Find Straw Bale Houses Near Me?
Straw bale construction continues to grow in popularity with ever increasing opportunities to visit a bale build for yourself. Find out how...

Road Trip! 100 Year Old Straw Bale Church
We just couldn't resist! And, so our return drive from 2023's Workshop Tour, we turned North to explore the story of the 100-year-old Straw Bale Church without a clue of what a treat we were in for!

Building Codes: Getting Approval for Straw Bale Homes
You're on the verge of building your dream home with straw bale construction. You're excited, but questions loom: Will it pass inspection? Does the design meet local codes? What's the correct code for your area?

How Strawbale Construction Can Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Strawbale construction is not only a unique and aesthetically pleasing alternative to conventional building methods but it is also a powerful solution to reduce the carbon footprint of a construction project.

To New Chapters and New Friends
Celebrating new chapters, community, and, of course, straw bale building! Meet the caretakers of the community.
Retirement News + Exciting Introduction to the New Team!!
You know when something is meant to be, and the stars align in just the right way, and unimaginable possibilities suddenly come to light? Well that pretty much sums up our last six months! Here’s the scoop:

Debunking the Rodent Myth
Rodents would much prefer to set up residence in your neighbor’s conventionally built house with lovely pink insulation than live in straw bale walls. Watch this 1 min video