How To Straw Bale Building - Original Video Series

Andrew Morrison has a passion for straw bale construction that is matched only by his desire to teach others and help support them to be who they wish to be. His wealth of experience in designing and building conventional, tiny, and straw bale homes was the foundation upon which the community was built.

Through this video series, book, website, and hands-on workshops, he shared his knowledge with thousands. He is enjoying retirement after completing his 100th workshop, and his knowledge continues to inspire bale-builders like yourself through this original video series. Thanks, Andrew!

We’ve included our latest How-to Jobsite Guides, Checklists, and the Bale Needle and Tensioning Fork Plans to support your learning and build. If you want to refresh your hands-on skills and learn updates on building technology, join us at an upcoming workshop.

Happy Baling,
Timbo & Dainella

  • 10 hours 35 minutes total footage.

  • Watch videos while logged into your free Account or download them to your device for jobsite reference!

  • Video File Sizes: 11 files, each 700MB or smaller, for easy downloading

Video Download Information

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  • Open the Course and select a Lesson with the video you would like to download.

  • Click the “Download Now'“ button below the video. This will open a new window.

    Look for the download icon and select your preferred file size to start the download.

  • Look for the Download on your device. This location varies by personal settings.

  • Sometimes tech gremlins strike! 99% of the time, it is one of the following:

    • The internet connection is too slow, or if it is fast enough, there may be minor drops in service that make the download pause. Solution - Try a more stable internet connection.

    • The device’s download settings are such that it is difficult to find the download! Solution - Try again and note the title and folder desitination. Search these on your Hard Drive and/or Cloud Drive as applicable.

    Still having trouble? No problem, reach out to us at and we’ll get back to asap. We haven’t failed to figure it out yet!

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How-to Straw Bale Building Videos

See lessons below for videos per topic.

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