What are ‘Paid Links’?​
We believe in only recommending products or services we would use ourselves.
This includes industry-specific products and professionals. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

When you see ‘(paid link)’, it means that if you click the nearest link and then make a purchase from that link, we may receive a small commission. By choosing to use our paid links, you are contributing to the maintenance, and ongoing creative process and production of resources on strawbale.com. Thank you for your support!

Why do we offer '(paid link')s?

It’s a convenient way to connect our readers directly to the correct product or service.

How is commission income used?

Commission income helps support the ongoing maintenance costs and production of free resources available on strawbale.com

How much are commissions?

Commissions typically range between 0.5% and 4.5% of the net sale.

Do I have to use the '(paid link)'?

You absolutely do NOT have to use the paid links and may choose instead to source the products and services we recommend by other means.

We encourage you to do what you think best for your situation.

Timbo & Dainella, Strawbale.com Instructors and owners

Have questions? Great!

We’re easy to find – [email protected] is the fastest way to reach us. (Yep, real live humans will read and reply to your email!)

See you at a workshop someday soon!

May the straw be with you,
Timbo & Dainella


Essentials of Straw Bale Home Construction

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