Modifying Straw Bale House Plans
In most cases, our customers modify our straw bale house plans using their local resources, such as their builder or designer. However, making the necessary changes directly with the original architect or designer is sometimes possible.
A fee will be charged for such modifications, and the architect or designer will set that fee.

Steps To Take
Step 1:
Find a plan that is almost perfect for your project vision.
Step 2:
Buy the plan you would like to customize.
Step 3:
Work with a design professional to fine-tune your plan!
How do I work with the original designer or architect
of my preferred straw bale house plan?
We are happy to connect you with the architect and designer if they are open to providing modifications.
See the Description > Plan Modifications for availability per house plan.
If the Description says the original Designer is available to provide modifications, please follow the below steps:
Email us with the name of the plan you would like modified. We will verify the Designers’ availability.
Once verified, we will connect you with the Designer.
You will need to purchase the straw bale house plans on before the Designer begins work. At that point, your designer will provide further guidance, and we will no longer be involved in the changes to the plans. (Of course, you know where to find us for other straw bale building needs!)
Should you decide not to work with the original architect or designer, you are welcome to modify the plans with anyone of your choosing in accordance with the copyright requirements stated in the Terms of Use. (We are happy to provide recommendations for straw bale-specific designers.)