Creating Straight Bale Walls On a Crooked Frame
It was immediately obvious while working on the exposed timber frame that the natural cut timbers would not line up with the plane of the bale wall once complete. What we did worked out really well and created a beautiful and STRAIGHT wall.
Repairing Straw Bale Water Damaged Walls
Water damage in straw bale walls is something that does not happen very often, especially in well built homes; but, even with the best construction practices, it can happen. When it does, it's important to know how to recognize it and how to fix it.
Replacing Rotten Straw in an Existing Straw Bale House
A consulting client recently asked me about the best practice is for removing rotten straw from an existing straw bale house. Whether you need to replace a small amount of straw or an entire section of bales, the process is pretty much the same. Below are the steps to replacing rotten straw in an existing house. Although each specific location may have subtle differences, the basic steps are still the same.