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Protecting the Top of Walls in Straw Bale Homes
No one likes a leaky roof; however, this simple technique can help prevent costly damage and provide peace of mind.

Amazing Couple Builds the Applegate Cottage on Whidbey Island
They were determined to build the house themselves, even though they didn't have much experience in residential construction. Their success is a testament to people around the world who build their own straw bale homes.

Sierra Vista, Arizona Straw Bale Workshop: Meet the Hosts
Sierra Vista, Arizona is a beautiful location and host to the first straw bale construction workshop of the 2017 season. Come join us for an unforgettable experience.

Plastering Overhead in a Straw Bale House
Plastering straw bale window and door wells can be challenging, but the end result is beautiful. Learn some important tips on how to do it in this article.

Step By Step Guide To Creating Niches
One of the most artistic expressions of a straw bale wall are the niches that are carved into it. I have laid out a step-by-step process for the most common niche I see in straw bale homes: the arch top.

Speed Up Your Post and Beam Framing -
Proper framing techniques will speed and simplify your process. Follow these straightforward steps to get your frame erected quickly and much more easily than standard post and beam framing practices.