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How a Straw Bale House Can Change the World
A straw bale house has the power to change the world, one occupant and one home at a time. Learn more.

Fire Resistance of Straw Bale Walls Outperforms Conventional Construction
The fire resistance of straw bale walls is superior to that of conventional construction. Learn why that matters and how it's possible.

Plaster Tip: Applying American Clay Over Natural Hydraulic Lime
In this article we review using American Clay plaster over a Natural Hydraulic Lime plaster, making sure that cure times are accounted for.

Simplify the Installation of Roofing Felt Behind Your Plaster
I wanted to share a few great tips to simplify the installation of the roofing felt needed on wood that lies behind your plaster. As you know (or may be learning...right now...) you have to cover all wood that will end up behind plaster with roofing felt or an equivalent product.

Wire Ties or Poly Twine Bales?
I'm often asked if using bales that are tied with wire is a bad or good idea. The reality is that there are advantages and disadvantages on both sides of the question. I do have a preference though, and that is for poly twine over wire.

Strengthen Your Walls
For me, the extra work of compressing your straw bale walls is more than worth it and the quality of the overall job you will get as a result of this step is measurably better than working with soft or loose walls.

Straw Bale Home is Cover of Fine Homebuilding
For those of you who have been curious what it will take to help straw bale homes become more mainstream, this may be a part of the answer. David Arkin and Annie Tilt (Arkin-Tilt Architects) have received many awards over the years and their straw bale homes have at least twice graced the covers of Fine Homebuilding Magazine, this time in the fall 2014 edition of Small Homes Cabins and Cottages.

Step By Step Guide To Creating Niches
One of the most artistic expressions of a straw bale wall are the niches that are carved into it. I have laid out a step-by-step process for the most common niche I see in straw bale homes: the arch top.

Testing Moisture Levels in Your Straw Bale House
People often ask about testing the moisture content of the bales in their walls after their straw bale house is complete. The best way to accomplish this is to utilize the space behind the electrical boxes throughout the home.

Speed Up Your Post and Beam Framing -
Proper framing techniques will speed and simplify your process. Follow these straightforward steps to get your frame erected quickly and much more easily than standard post and beam framing practices.