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Protecting the Top of Walls in Straw Bale Homes
No one likes a leaky roof; however, this simple technique can help prevent costly damage and provide peace of mind.

5 Essential Straw Bale Construction Tools
Some tools make a job WAY more efficient, effective, and enjoyable than others. Learn 5 essential straw bale construction tools crucial for success in building better with bales.

Adding Shingles to Gable Walls on Straw Houses
Adding shingles to gable walls may not seem like a straw bale specific topic at first glance. That doesn’t mean it’s not an important skill for you to learn for several reasons. Lot of straw bale houses use shingles on the gable end walls.

Plaster Tip: Applying American Clay Over Natural Hydraulic Lime
In this article we review using American Clay plaster over a Natural Hydraulic Lime plaster, making sure that cure times are accounted for.

Simplify the Installation of Roofing Felt Behind Your Plaster
I wanted to share a few great tips to simplify the installation of the roofing felt needed on wood that lies behind your plaster. As you know (or may be learning...right now...) you have to cover all wood that will end up behind plaster with roofing felt or an equivalent product.

A Review of Electrical Installations in Straw Bale Houses
Learn high quality installation techniques for installing electrical service in your straw bale home. Knowing these techniques is important whether you plan to do the work yourself or hire a subcontractor to do it for you.

Spray or Hand Plaster Application: Which is Better?
There are many details to a quality plaster job and many places to make mistakes. The real question may not be whether to spray or to apply by hand, but rather, what steps need to be taken, no matter which application method is chosen, such that the plaster job will be successful.

Speed Up Your Post and Beam Framing -
Proper framing techniques will speed and simplify your process. Follow these straightforward steps to get your frame erected quickly and much more easily than standard post and beam framing practices.