How Much Will It Cost?
A lot of people are excited about the idea of straw bale construction; however, they stumble a bit when it comes to estimating the cost of their potential home. So how is someone supposed to make an informed decision about what plan to buy and what that plan might cost to build? The answer is actually very simple.
Help Preserve the Oldest Straw Bale Structure in Europe
Ever wondered what the oldest straw bale structure in Europe is, you can stop wondering. It's this home, built in 1921 in Montargis, France.
Spray or Hand Plaster Application: Which is Better?
There are many details to a quality plaster job and many places to make mistakes. The real question may not be whether to spray or to apply by hand, but rather, what steps need to be taken, no matter which application method is chosen, such that the plaster job will be successful.
The Importance of Good Straw Bale Design
Good design alone is not enough. You have to incorporate all of the details that are specific to straw bale construction in your design to make it work.
Building Underground
I recently received an email in which a man asked about using strawbale building techniques underground, as in an earth-bermed house. Time to talk about moisture considerations…
Living Simply: Discovering What Really Matters
This is a rather personal blog entry and I hope that you can “hear” it without your filters on. You may agree or disagree with me and that’s fine. What I do hope is that you will ask yourselves some questions and that you will look deeply in what is true FOR YOU.
Review of the DragOn Pro Mortar Sprayer
They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and in the case of Branislav Prvanovic, a Serbian innovator and businessman involved in the building trades, a gigantic straw bale building project turned out to be the mother load of necessities.
Timber Frame and Straw Bale Homes
There may be no more beautiful look than a timber frame house wrapped with straw bales and plaster. It’s as if the two were made for each other. Creating that look can be a bit troublesome if you don’t approach the project from the right angles. Here’s how…
Straw Bale Construction in Earthquakes
Engineers and many others like them have long touted straw bale construction as a smart choice in earthquake prone areas. Let’s take a look at why.
Plastic Encased Straw Bales
What about using plastic-encased straw bales in the construction of a home? Let’s have a look…