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The Ultimate Hole Saw for Drilling Through Straw Bale Walls
Check out this ingenious hole saw makes drilling holes through existing straw bale walls easy and effective, even in three string straw bale walls.

Bale Stops Strengthen and Simplify Your Build
Bale stops are a simple framing solution in a straw bale house. They both strengthen the walls and simplify the construction process. Learn more...

How a Straw Bale House Can Change the World
A straw bale house has the power to change the world, one occupant and one home at a time. Learn more.

Fire Resistance of Straw Bale Walls Outperforms Conventional Construction
The fire resistance of straw bale walls is superior to that of conventional construction. Learn why that matters and how it's possible.

Avoiding Plaster Burn Marks
Avoiding plaster burn marks when building a straw bale house is easy to accomplish if you know what causes them. Here’s what to do about them.

Oregon Straw Bale Retreat Visit at Dharmalaya
Visit a straw bale retreat center nestled in Oregon to feel a bale build for yourself and retreat from the busy world just like Andrew and Gabriella Morrison.

Adding Shingles to Gable Walls on Straw Houses
Adding shingles to gable walls may not seem like a straw bale specific topic at first glance. That doesn’t mean it’s not an important skill for you to learn for several reasons. Lot of straw bale houses use shingles on the gable end walls.

Gravel in your toe ups. Is that enough?
Is it enough to have just gravel in your toe ups or do you need something more? Read more

Hiring the Right Contractor for Your Straw Bale Construction Project
Hiring the right contractor for your straw bale construction project could be the most important decision you make along the path to creating your new home. Here’s tips on how to find a great match.

Sierra Vista, Arizona Straw Bale Workshop: Meet the Hosts
Sierra Vista, Arizona is a beautiful location and host to the first straw bale construction workshop of the 2017 season. Come join us for an unforgettable experience.

Plaster Tip: Applying American Clay Over Natural Hydraulic Lime
In this article we review using American Clay plaster over a Natural Hydraulic Lime plaster, making sure that cure times are accounted for.