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Building a Niche in a Straw Bale Wall
Niches are beautiful details in a straw bale wall. Learn how to build one for yourself here.
Straw Bale Building and the Foundation
What kind of foundation options are available to you in a straw bale building? Learn about options here.

How to Choose a Contractor for your Strawbale Building
The task of finding a contractor can be a daunting one. Here's how to navigate the challenges of choosing a contractor for your straw bale construction project.

Straw Bale Construction and Water
Water is the greatest enemy of straw bale construction! Learn what you need to consider for design and building with bales.

Load-bearing Straw Bale Construction – Bring Out Your Inner Builder
With load-bearing straw bale construction, the step from beginner to successful builder is smaller than in framed structures. Learn more about building your own!

Avoid Headaches - Design for Straw Bale Home Construction
It’s no secret that a well-designed building is easier to build and more enjoyable to live in. Many things need to be considered to achieve a quality design - Learn more…

Calculating the Number of Bales in Your Straw Bale House
Learn how to calculate the number of bales needed in your straw bale house build. Understand how to do it without creating excess waste.

Why Build With Straw Bales?
So many reasons to build homes with straw bales! From fire resistance, to sweat equity options, to environmental benefits. Learn more.

Assessing Moisture in a Straw Bale Wall & How To Deal With It
Here are the basic things to know about assessing moisture in a straw bale wall.

How to Lose Money as a Strawbale Home Owner Builder
We want to talk about a common mistake that a lot of strawbale home owner builders make early on in the process.

Are You New To Straw Bale Construction?
Great! We hear all the time folks have been ‘thinking about this for years’. It’s a learning process. Here is a wealth of information about where to start in learning about the technique, next steps, and FAQs.

Straw Bale Moisture Meter: A Must-Have Tool & How To Use It
If you plan to build with bales, you absolutely must have a straw bale moisture meter with a probe. It is so valuable that we consider it a "must have," not a "it would be cool to have" tool.